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Python SDK - Job


import askanna

job = askanna.job.get(job_suuid="{JOB_SUUID}")


Name Type Required Description
job_suuid String Yes SUUID of the job you want to get the info from


Dataclass: Job


import askanna

job = askanna.job.get_job_by_name(job_name="{NAME_OF_JOB}")


Name Type Required Description
job_name String Yes Name of the job you want to get the job info from
project_suuid String No Project SUUID of the project for which you want to get the job info from.


Dataclass: Job

Multiple jobs with the same name

In case multiple jobs with the same name exist, you will see an error message. In that case you can add the project_suuid for which you want to get the job information.


import askanna

job_list = askanna.job.list()


Name Type Required Description
project_suuid String No Project SUUID of the project for which you want to get a list of jobs
workspace_suuid String No Workspace SUUID of the workspace for which you want to get a list of jobs
number_of_result Integer No The number of jobs in the result. Defaults to 100.
order_by String No Sets the ordering of the job list. Defaults to "-created_at".
search String No Search for a specific job


List with elements with Dataclass: Job


import askanna

job = askanna.job.change(job_suuid="{JOB_SUUID}", name="New job name")


Name Type Required Description
job_suuid String Yes SUUID of the job you want to change
name String No New name for the job
description String No New description for the job

To change job info, at least we need a new name or description

Changed the job name? Then update the askanna.yml as well.

Changing the name of a job can be useful in case you want to rename your job. If you are going to rename the job, don't forget to also apply the change in the askanna.yml.

If you don't do this, you will not be able to run the job anymore because there is no matching job definition in the askanna.yml config. And if you don't change it in the askanna.yml file, the next time you push a new version of your code to AskAnna we will create a new job using the old name.


Dataclass: Job


import askanna



Name Type Required Description
job_suuid String Yes SUUID of the job you want to delete


Bool: True if the job is succesfully deleted