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Release notes 2021

December 2021


  • The AskAnna platform can now also be accessed on your mobile device.


  • The menu on the mobile phone is now sticky. Result is that the menu is also visible, when you scroll down.
  • When you now open the job page on your mobile phone, you will not get to see your keyboard by default. We turned off the autofocus on the section where you can start a new run.
  • If you now click on the AskAnna logo, you will go to the main page or the project list of your active project.
  • On the public version we now also show the menu on the right side.
  • When you have a run with a result, on the run page you will now see the result filename
  • Upgraded encryption used in the backend


  • Removing objects and workspace people page now also works on mobile
  • When you switch between projects, we now load the correct data for the active project.
  • Fixed an issue were sometimes metrics where saved multiple times for a run
  • Added package finished which we can use to only show and select finished package uploads

November 2021


  • Explore projects and explore workspaces pages. On these pages you can see all publicy shared projects/workspaces, and the projets/workspaces where you are a member of.
  • Rebuild menu to support "my" & explore list for projects and workspaces
  • Add memory limit for runs to 20 GB and CPU limit to maximum 4


  • Release AskAnna Python SDK v0.14.0 with refactor server & project Config. If you upgrade from a previous version to 0.14.0, the AskAnna CLI will automatically update your AskAnna config file to the new format.
  • If you are not signed in, you now get the explore projects page i.s.o. the sign in page.
  • Sorting people is not case sensitive anymore.
  • In the people list, we don't show the member's title on the card anymore. You can still see the title by clicking on the card.


  • We now separate uploads in own directory by run or project to fix an issue where it could happen that a result was not processed.
  • Fixed an issue that it could happen that we try to create the Docker image twice.
  • We fixed a bug in askannaignore where in some circumstances it did not read the ignore file.
  • Separate uploads in own directory by run or project.
  • Prevent double pulls and registration of Docker image in Run Images.
  • When you open a file in a code directory, you can click on a (sub)directory in the code breadcrumbs to quickly open it.
  • When not signed in, you can now open workspaces with visibility set to public and explore public projects for these workspaces. This makes it possible to explore all public project for a workspace.
  • Several fixes to get data out of new data models. A.o. data from user membership.

October 2021


  • Workspace visilibity: if you set your workspace visibility to public, you can now share your projects with the world
  • Project visibility: you can now share projects publicly. This makes it possible to go for maximum transparancy by sharing everything that is tracked in your project
  • Implementation of permission matrix
  • New workspace role: it's now possible to have people in your workspace with the permission workspace viewer. These people can only view your project and cannot update code or run jobs. If you don't want to publicly share your project, with workspace viewers you can control who can see your project.


  • When you are a member of multiple workspace, it's now possible to use your global AskAnna profile or to set a specific profile for the workspace. See user account and profile for more info.
  • Update documentation with improved search feature
  • When creating a project: add a handle on enter and fix the validation after submit
  • Logo in email now served from


  • Block that members cannot send invites for the role workspace admin
  • Always add the member to the code package upload

September 2021


  • If your run has an HTML result, we now render this HTML file in an iFrame.
  • Add info on the jobs section with a direct reference to the document about how to create a job.



  • When a job contained a command with a multiline variable, parsing the askanna.yml config failed. In this release we fixed this.
  • Runs before the release of environment image support were run with an image version based on askanna/python:3.7. Accidently we did not show this name. Now we do.
  • Favicon in Safari now looks better

July 2021


  • Config the environment image to use for the project or the job. This feature makes it possible to run almost any language in AskAnna. Do you need R, C++, Julia, TensorFlow, or ...? Try it out! We also support images from private registries.
  • Notifications: when a run start, is completed or fails, you can specify who should get a notification
  • Improve description editor with language support for code blocks and a copy button
  • Live updates of the run page. When you now run a job, you can open the run page and get live updates of the status, duration and log. We update the information every 5 seconds.
  • Ignore files: when you push code to AskAnna, you can now set files or directories that should be ignored
  • It's now possible to remove a workspace, jobs and runs
  • Track metric and track variables now also support list & range type as a value to track.


  • Only admins can remove a project, and we introduced a 30 day waiting period before we fully remove the files
  • Response of run status now also contains environment information
  • Remove deprecated PLV_prefix for payload variables
  • When you push code to AskAnna, we only raise the warning for the local time zone if your job specification contains a schedule.
  • When you download a run's result or code via the web interface, we now use the format run_{suuid}_filename.ext
  • The runinfo response now also contains information about the original filename, extension, mime-type and filesize.
  • When you download a code package, we use the format code_{suuid}
  • Changed the calculation of the duration. Before we used datetime_finished - datetime_created. Now we added a field started. When many runs are requested, it can take some time before the actual run start. When the run goes from status pending to in progress, we set the start time. Duration is now calculated as datetime_finished - datetime_started, or for an active run datetime_now - datetime_started.
  • Because of the new environment image feature, we changed the information shown on the job and run page about the environment use. You can now hoover the value, to get more information about the environment.
    • Run page: you see the image name, tag, digest and time zone
    • Job page: you see the image name and time zone that will be used when running the job
  • Changed default environment image from our private registry version to the version hosted at DockerHub (askanna/python:3.7)
  • Changed that we first save artifact, and then result.


  • Email template: show buttons also in Outlook
  • Payload: allow JSON to be a list format
  • Fix downloading code package from the code & run page
  • Fixed some issues with loading of the run log in the web interface


  • Endpoints: move /v1/jobrun/ endpoints to /v1/runinfo/

June 2021



  • Improved showing project code when there is a new version pushed. Before this release, you needed a workaround to load the latest code. Now, when you now click on the CODE section, we always load the latest version. In addition, on the code page you can also hoover the code SUUID to see the creation date of the code version.
  • Aligned displaying images in code, result and artifact
  • Only show the hamburger menu in the left upper corner when it is adding value
  • For longer names, slice the name when displaying it in menus
  • Upgrade PostgreSQL to version 12
  • Use askanna-run-utils push-artifact i.s.o. askanna artifact add
  • askanna.yml config: update reserved keys


  • Fixed an issue that if we had two files with the same name, we only displayed the content of one of the files. Now we always display the content of the selected file.
  • Switching between run pages now will always show the correct metrics
  • When showing empty files, display the correct breadcrumb related to a file
  • Fixed an issue that when loading files, we showed an empty file message. Now we show that Anna is loading data.
  • We now show in the run log that we push an artifact, also when the job fails
  • Fixed that when you save a single file artifact, we use the correct path

May 2021


  • Give runs a name and add a description. Let's make it easy to find back what you did.
  • Edit the name and description of a run. For example to update the desciption with relevant information for your team, after you reviewed the result of the run.
  • Result of a Run now support images, CSV, Excel and PDF results. Also we switched to showing a preview of the result. Sometimes a result can be pretty big with the risk that your browser will crash if you try to open it. With the preview, you still get a good idea of the result. If you need the full result, you can download it.
  • Set the time zone of the run environment, so you can run jobs with the time zone set to what you need.
  • Validate time zone and show informative message. Before we push the code, we show an informative message in case you did not specify the time zone, and your system's local time zone is not UTC.
  • If time zone used for the schedule is not equal to your local time zone, we show an informative icon that the schedule runs on another time zone. When you hoover a schedule, you can also see the time zone used.
  • We accept askanna-agent for API requests. For example, this is used to add more detail to the trigger of a run. With the implementation of askanna-agent you can see if a run was triggered via the API, schedule, CLI, Python SDK or web interface.


  • For schedules we changed the default value for minute and hour to 0. If a job is schedules at day: 1, previously it was schedules to run every minute at the first day of the month. With this change it will run ones at the first day of the month at 12 AM.
  • Show empty file an empty file message i.s.o. no data message
  • Add navigation breadcrumb at run page to the code section
  • Update run table view in the web interface. Added a column to show the name of a run. We now also show by who the run was triggered. And when you click on input or metrics, the related section for that run will directly open.
  • In API responses we fully removed the references to UUID. We now always use the SUUID (short UUID).
  • We aligned how we handle object names and descriptions. We removed the title field. When it's possible to set a name, we will use the name field. API responses will not contain the title field anymore. In the AskAnna CLI & SDK version 0.9.0 we updated the dataclasses to be able to handle the new API responses.
  • Make payload variables available without the prefix PLV_. Check the updated documentation about Variables.


  • On Safari you can now also open the log of a run i.s.o. getting a redirect to the sign-in page
  • Fixed uncached error on a redirect for nonexisting workspace request
  • Fixed error 'Navigation duplicated: redundant navigation to current location'
  • Some small design spacing fixes
  • Update regular expression to accept all officially known email formats
  • Run page: all sections are now showing run name/SUUID in the page title
  • Cancel edit Variable form, removed on validation error
  • After creating a new project, show the correct page
  • Fixed a bug in loading the code history page
  • Accept global timezone setting in the askanna.yml config
  • Fixed the issue that when code with an invalid askanna.yml was uploaded, that the project "crashed". When you now upload a project with an invalid askanna.yml, we will not create or update the jobs. When you push the code using the CLI, we use the new validation function to prevent you pushing code with an invalid job config.
  • Fixed issue that if no input payload is available for the run, the web interface keeps showing the loading icon. Now it will show an informative message that there is no input available for the run.

April 2021

  • Added schedules to trigger a job.
  • Like track metrics, we also added track variables that you can use to track & get variables related to the run.
  • Make it possible to change the name and a description of a job via the CLI, Python SDK and API. You can modify the job info via the CLI with: askanna job change
  • The AskAnna CLI now validates the askanna.yml.
  • Delete containers after 24 hours and make it configurable for the AskAnna admins.
  • We added detection of run result file type. We will use this in a future update to show more output types.
  • Fixed issue with definition of payload when setting up the requirements for a run.
  • Improved look-and-feel for showing Jupyter Notebooks.
  • We improved the performance of loading large results by introducing an option to get partial results via the API.
  • For JSON results we introduce a pretty & raw view. Only for "smaller" run result we will use the pretty view.

March 2021

  • Track metrics: track relevant metrics related to your run and get tracked metadata of runs to analyze your runs.
  • Added project info to the API response of job information.
  • We now delete run containers after 72 hours. This was a week.
  • Moved demo projects to
  • The API main page now redirects to the AskAnna web interface.
  • Changed the run page: if input, result, artifact, metric or log is not available, we now show a proper info message.
  • Fixed issue on loading workspace people pages that did not stop loading.
  • Fix for getting user profile avatar.
  • Fix that for a directory we did not show the correct last modified date. After the fix, we show the last modified date of the file inside the directory.
  • Fixed that we should only show packages that are successfully uploaded or pushed to AskAnna.

February 2021

  • Push and run: when you use the CLI to run a job, optionally you can now add the argument --push. With a single command, you can now push the latest version of the code and run a job (askanna run my_job --push). Thanks David for the tip.
  • The AskAnna Python base images now also contain gcc.
  • We made many improvements to make AskAnna faster. Especially loading projects with many runs has got a significant performance boost. A.o. we made use of limit/offset options on our API endpoints.
  • In the web interface we added a reference to the AskAnna documentation.
  • To improve search and maintenance for the AskAnna documentation, we switched to Material for MkDocs.
  • We built step 1 to make it possible to define which image should be used for a run. We can now switch the image used for runs in AskAnna.

January 2021

After the release of v0.2, we took some time to build many features to allow data scientists to do more themselves and make the platform run more stable. v0.3 is our official Beta version that everyone can sign up to try it out for free!

In this release we build:

  • Manage project variables via the web interface
  • Remove a project
  • Project templates
  • Workspace member feautures:
    • Invite new members
    • Resend an invitation
    • Member profile including profile picture
    • Remove members
    • Forgot my password page
  • Monitoring the platform using Sentry
  • Support by chat
  • Sign up incl. a welcome email including copy of the terms of use
  • Support for Jupyter Notebook

With this release it is possible to:

  • Add and delete variables using the web interface
  • Remove projects from your workspace
  • Sign up for a new account on AskAnna
  • Fully manage the members on a workspace
  • Create a project using a Cookiecutter project template (check this demo project)
  • Click on the support button and chat with the AskAnna team (you can ask us anything ;)

Also, we made AskAnna safer by introducing masked variables. You can set a variable to masked, resulting in not exposing the value in the web interface and logs.

And, we improved the performance of AskAnna and make displaying information in the web interface look better. Besides that, this will make loading content in AskAnna faster. It should also improve the experience of reviewing runs in the web interface.

We also released a new version of the AskAnna Python project that contains the Python SDK features to interact with the AskAnna platform.